


RHS Class of 1965 50th Reunion - 2015


August 30, 2015

All the finances are complete and it's time to call another RHS Class of '65 reunion done.  Thought I'd send out a final recap for those of you that didn't attend, another thanks for coming to those that attended, and a really big thanks to all of you that helped pull this reunion together.

There were about 30 classmates that attended the reunion on July 17th and they brought with them another dozen or so non-classmates for a total of around 45 people that attended.  As with previous reunions, the main activities for the night were talking and eating.  Several classmates attended that we haven't seen for awhile, some since high school.  I really think it turned out well and everyone that attended had a great time.  As always, we hope that more will attend the next one.

We did have a brief business meeting.  (1) There was a vote on when and where to have the next reunion.  Pretty much everyone wanted another one in five years and it will be at a facility like Swede Hall with much the same casual feel.  (2) It was agreed that any remainder of funds from this reunion should be given to the RHS Alumni Association.  As a result, I sent a check in the name of the RHS Class of 1965 for $100 to Barbara Munsell, the Alumni Association Treasurer.  (3) We discussed the "Outstanding Achievement Award" given by the RHS Alumni Association to one of the class members of the 50th reunion class.  It was voted on and agreed to nominate Curt King for all the work he and his wife have done around the world.  You can read more about his achievements on the Class of '65 website.

And that brings me to the final item(s).  I really want to thank Ron Fowler and Nancy Fowler for all their work and support for this reunion.  In preparation for the reunion both of them really helped in locating and contacting classmates and just being available to help me with whatever came along.  They also compiled and worked through the printing process of this reunion's booklet and decided to fund that product which really helped in reducing the overall cost of the reunion  If you didn't get a copy of the reunion booklet and would like one just contact Ron or myself.  It's very nicely done and contains several related items besides a copy of all the questionnaires that were returned.  Besides all of that, Ron has built an area on his own website to include pictures and other related items pertaining to our class.  There are currently spots for each class from all three grade schools (Littlerock, Rochester, and Grand Mound) and the mid-school classes.  The website also contains spots for pictures and related information from each of our prior reunions.  I really encourage everyone to check it out and if you have any pictures to fill in the blank areas, please contact either Ron or myself.  You can find the webpage at and click the "RHS Class of 1965" link.

That's about it.  Thanks again to all that helped and please stay in touch so we can reach everyone for the next reunion.  If you don't hear something about the next reunion by early 2020, contact somebody!

Until later,

Bob Darling


Our 50th class reunion was held Friday, July 17, 2015 at Swede Hall in Rochester.  We need more photos from this event!  Please EMail copies to for posting on this page!

Seated, left to right: Sally Fossum, Merv Winkle, Ron Fowler, Lauraine Garske, Anne Sandy.  Standing, left to right: Bob Darling, Eddie Camus, George Wickholm, Marj Coffin, Susan Danielson, Melody Ralston, Faye Deguise, Nancy Rutledge, Sally Slusher, Vic Fagerness, Mary Hansen, Sandy Oviatt, Linda Otto (hidden), Georgie Stiles, Bonnie Schrader, Laura Shoop, Pat Cooper, Linda Tapper, Linda Moore, Libby Bigler, Lee Vaughn.  (photo courtesy of Bob Darling)

Clockwise from lower left: Lee Vaughn, Chris Camus (Eddie's wife), Eddie Camus (partially hidden), Marj Coffin, Don Bartlett, Melody Ralston, Pat Cooper, Linda Moore, Merv Winkle (standing), Harold Kirkham, Ron Fowler, Vic Fagerness.  (photo courtesy of Bob Darling - note Bob's RHS letterman's sweater hanging on the wall)

Far left: Lee Vaughn.  Clockwise, left table: Beverly Davis (Mrs. George Wickholm), Bonnie Schrader, Susan Darling, Nancy Rutledge, Sharon Ritchey (Alan's wife), Susan Danielson, Scott Clark (Susan Danielson's husband).  Clockwise, right table: Bob Hull (RHS '63, Faye Deguise's husband), Faye Deguise, Libby Bigler, Stan Bigler (RHS '64, Sally Fossum's husband), Sally Slusher, Lauraine Garske, Anne Sandy (hidden), Georgie Stiles, Virginia Davis, Gloria Countryman, Sally Fossum.  Far right, standing in back: Sandy Oviatt, Alan Ritchey, George Wickholm.  (photo courtesy of Bob Darling)

50th reunion sign in sheet.  (photo courtesy of Bob Darling)

We need more photos from the reunion!


Reunion planning group meeting, June 17, 2015.  Seated, left to right: Ron Fowler, Bob Darling.  Standing, left to right: Lauraine Garske, Marj Coffin, Melody Ralston, Georgie Stiles, Nancy Rutledge, Laura Shoop. (photo courtesy of Laura Shoop Wharton)